Picking Your Parenting Schedule

Samantha Boss
2 min readSep 21, 2021
Filling out this calendar for the best parenting schedule is hard work.

What is the best parenting schedule for kids to have after a divorce?

That is like asking me, how much will your divorce cost?

There are so many factors it is ridiculously to assume I know the answer to either of those questions without first asking you about 10 questions at minimum.

  1. How old are your children?
  2. What maturity level are your children?
  3. What is your work hours?
  4. What are your parents work hours?
  5. What time does school or daycare open and close?
  6. What is the distance between parents?
  7. What is the distance between parents and school or daycare?
  8. Who does the child depend on most day to day?
  9. Which house has all the child’s basic needs of a healthy, happy life?
  10. Do the parties get along?

Just those basic 10 questions would give me a better idea of what schedule would be best for your family. There is not cookie cutter answer to that question, what schedule is best? I can look at the answers to these questions and more and help you decide between different schedules. But honestly the best answer is to possibly try two differnt ones and be honest with how each feels for not just you but for the success of the children. Then pick the one that fits best for them.

Everyone goes into this thinking one of two things; keep things the same and the children will go with one parent most of the time or the children will begin this exact 50/50 of time with each party. There are problems with both and perks of both schedules. There are other schedules out there too besides these too.

If you need help with figuring out a schedule for your children, please set up a consult with me either alone or with your soon to be ex and let’s answer all those questions plus more to help you and your family find the best way possible to give your kids the best schedule for their lives to be succesful.



Samantha Boss

Divorce coach helping parents deal with their high conflict divorce and coparenting journey. https://linktr.ee/samanthaboss